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The impact of the pandemic is projected to increase with data showing that the child mortality rate in Indonesia due to COVID-19 is the highest in the world. The data is based on data from the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) which shows the mortality rate for these children reaches 3-5%. The most common symptoms in children are cough or fever. According to the CDC, a recent systematic review estimated that 16% of children with COVID-19 infection are asymptomatic.
Transmission of Covid-19 to children generally occurs through adults around them who do not comply with local health protocols, such as not changing clothes and washing hands after activities immediately upon returning back home. Therefore, “Parents must remain vigilant by complying with the health protocols and not inviting their children to leave the house first,” said Dr. Natasya Ayu Andamari, Sp.A, in the #GoodTalksSeries held by Good Doctor and The Asian Parent.
dr. Natasya Ayu Andamari, Sp.A (Pediatrician)
In addition to strictly implementing health protocols, vaccinations for children 12 years and above must still be carried out. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective. “They can keep you from getting and spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines also help keep you from getting seriously ill even if you do get COVID-19. Getting vaccinated yourself may also protect people around you, particularly people at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.” If you are a parent who wants to enquire more about the eligibility of COVID-19 vaccination for your child, consult with your family doctor.
As the Ministry of Health (MOH) takes a phased approach to achieving their national inoculation targets, Good Doctor Technology Indonesia (GDTI) is also playing its part to support the government by working with key industry players across various sectors of the local economy to accelerate the adoption of vaccination programmes.
As one of the first private partners of the MOH to implement a walk-in and drive-thru vaccination site in Indonesia, GDTI has already reached more than 200,000 vaccine recipients to date. The vaccine recipients were spread across Jakarta, Tangerang, Bandung, Karawang, Cirebon, Solo, Yogyakarta, Semarang, a number of districts in Bali, Palembang, Samarinda, and Depok. This vaccination covers the main target groups of the government such as the elderly, tourism workers, persons with disabilities and MSME workers as well as children aged 12 years and over. In their latest vaccination programs in collaboration with HIPPINDO and Lazada, these vaccination sites are also available for parents with children aged 12 years and over.
For more information and photos of the Minister of Health’s visit to the Lazada and Good Doctor Vaccination Centers, please click the button below.
The HIPPINDO vaccination site for ages 12 and over in Tangerang is still open for registration until August 29, 2021. Registration can be done through two applications. Open the “Good Doctor” application then click the “COVID-19 Vaccination” menu or, open the “Grab” application, select the “Health” menu, then click “COVID-19 Vaccination”. At all these vaccination sites, people can use registration and pre-screening feature that can be accessed through the Good Doctor application. At least 20% of the total number of vaccine recipients reached through the vaccination program supported by Good Doctor is screened online, which has reduced the risk of crowding and on-site rejection by 40%. “We have witnessed first-hand how our technology has positively impacted the society, when we provide easy-to-access healthcare services for those who need them, as well as strengthen the acceleration of efficient vaccination roll-outs in Indonesia,” said Managing Director Good Doctor Technology Indonesia, Danu Wicaksana.
GDTI support is not limited to vaccination programmes. In response to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia, Good Doctor continues to take a digital-first approach to unlock the full potential of technology by launching “Klinik Lawan COVID-19” in its app, as part of the company’s overall #LawanPandemi initiative. The application, which was launched on March 1, 2020, is one of the government’s private telemedicine application partners to provide free health services and consultations for patients who are self-isolating.
Healthy Kids, Prosperous Nation
For this year, the theme of National Children’s Day is Protected Children, Advanced Indonesia. In the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the question arises whether Indonesian children are protected from the virus?
Referencing Sehat Negeriku, as of June 29, 2021, nearly 260,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 were children aged 0—18 years. Of that number, more than 108,000 cases were children aged 12—17 years. This fact is one of the considerations for the government to carry out vaccinations for children at that age.
The Indonesian Pediatric Society in its Recommendation Letter dated 28 June 2021 also approved immunization for children aged 12-17 years taking into account the adequate number of clinical trial subjects, high mobility and the possibility of crowding outside the home, and being able to state complaints of AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunization) if any.
This vaccination for children aged 12-17 uses the COVID-19 vaccine produced by PT Biofarma (Sinovac). The vaccination has been carried out since July 1, 2021 after receiving a recommendation from the Indonesian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ITAGI) and approval for use from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM).
Other facts show that young children and older people are equally likely to be infected.
Reporting from, a comprehensive study from South Korea shows that children below the age of 10 years have a lower risk of transmitting COVID-19 than adults. However, children aged 10 years or older can transmit the virus at the same rate as adults.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that children and adults are equally likely to transmit the virus to their close contacts.
In addition, children must be vaccinated against COVID-19 because 16% of children with COVID-19 infection are asymptomatic. People who are fully vaccinated, according to the CDC, are less likely to be hospitalized than those who are not vaccinated.
Vaccines do not provide full protection (100%). Therefore, we are still obliged to apply health protocols in our daily lives. The CDC advises washing hands, wearing masks, avoiding close contact or social distancing, and covering coughs and sneezes. Related to the facts above, Good Doctor made a short video socializing COVID-19 for children in an interesting way and easy-to-understand
Keep Their Immune System Strong
The health of children depends on their immunity. Especially during this pandemic, your little one’s immune system must be optimized. To maintain your child’s immunity, dr. Natasya Ayu Andamari, Sp.A, Good Doctor Pediatrician recommends:
1. Make sure the child eats a complete nutritious diet,
2. Make sure the child gets enough sleep,
3. Complete the basic immunization for children as self-protection,
4. Set an example for children to apply health protocols. Starting from the simplest, wash your hands with soap and use a mask, 5. Take vitamins D and C.
Make Them Relax
In addition to paying attention to the physical condition, the child’s psychological problems must be considered. Samanta Elsener, M.Psi., Psikolog, child & family psychologist explained that at this time it can be said that children in Indonesia are going through a difficult time. They cannot study with teachers and friends, play, and socialize because of social restrictions. This condition certainly affects their mental state.
To overcome this, Samanta provides tips so that children can relax.
1. Make sure the child gets enough sleep because during sleep the child’s brain slows down so that the body relaxes.
2. Invite the children to identify the type of emotion they are feeling and offer a solution that makes them more comfortable.
3. Do hobbies with children. For example, cooking, gardening, singing, or painting. This activity can be done alternately or a combination of hobbies of the little one and the parents. 4. Give a warm hug to the child. When parents hug their children 8 times a day with a duration of 20 seconds, it can make the little one relax.
Keeping Indonesians in Good Health
Happy 76th birthday to the Republic of Indonesia! The theme for this year’s independence day for the Republic of Indonesia in 2021 is “Indonesia Tough, Indonesia Grows”, which signifies the nationalistic spirit of the country as it continues to fight the battle against the spread of COVID-19. To commemorate Indonesia’s independence day, Good Doctor Technology Indonesia (GDTI) plays its part to keep Indonesians healthy by providing the best and most trusted quality health services for Indonesian families via their digital health platforms. “Semangat Sehat 76” presented by GDTI was recently launched to demonstrate their commitment to providing 1 family doctor for every family in Indonesia by connecting healthcare professionals with patients through digitally-backed health technologies. As part of the “Semangat Sehat 76” campaign, there are lots of special promos for hundreds of health products, healthy food packages, COVID-19 tests (PCR and antigen swab) as well as consultations with general practitioners, clinics, and specialists. We can also send vitamins, masks, or other health products to friends or family because shipping can be throughout Indonesia. Data from the Indonesian Pediatric Society (IDAI) shows that 1 in 8 people infected with Covid-19 is a child and one of the recommendations is to maintain children’s immunity by taking vitamins D and C as recommended by dr. Natasya Ayu Andamari, Sp.A, pediatrician from Good Doctor.
As we continue to keep ourselves healthy, special attention must be paid to children’s immune systems. The Paediatric Clinic in Good Doctor has seen a 45% surge in consultation requests within the month of July, and it is one of the most accessed specialty clinics by our users. This is also why we added direct access to the clinic within COVID-19 Care Center, so parents can access pediatric clinic directly on top of clinics against COVID-19 to get information about COVID-19 symptoms and treatment for children. COVID-19 related consultation for children also increased, as of July 2021, 25% from total COVID-19 related consultations. This is why we hope that parents will take full advantage of this service because it can be easily accessed from anywhere, at any time to maintain and protect the health of their children,” explained Dr. Adhiatma Gunawan, Head of Medical Management at Good Doctor, In celebration of Indonesia’s Independence Day, Good Doctor will continue to support parents in optimizing their little one’s immune system, by providing a special 76% discount and a voucher worth Rp.45.000 for a variety of children’s vitamins in celebration of “Semangat Sehat 76”.
Everything offered in “Semangat Sehat 76” equips Indonesian families to live healthy in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Specially for the media, you can use the voucher code JURNALIS45
To find out more about the promotions
Here are the links to Good Doctor’s most-read health articles about children’s health:
1. Childrens Health (Breastmilk is the best protection for babies against infections – related to COVID-19):
2. Children Vaccination: 3. Children Vaccination:
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