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Colds are a popular term in Indonesia to describe the condition of not feeling well, bloating and the body feeling hotter. This condition can be experienced by anyone, including adults, children and babies. However, are the characteristics of babies catching a cold the same as adults?
Of course it will be different. If adults can describe and convey the complaints they feel, babies cannot yet do so. Therefore, Moms need to recognize the following characteristics of a baby catching a cold, to understand the baby’s condition.
5 Signs that a baby has a cold
Quoted from, Chairman of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) Jaya, DR. Dr. Rini Sekartini, SpAK explained that the cold in question is like flu symptoms. Usually characterized by increased body temperature, bone pain, sneezing or discomfort in the throat.
From the characteristics mentioned above, how can Moms recognize it if it occurs in a baby? Come on, look at the following explanation.
1. Fussy baby
If adults can explain what they are feeling, then the baby will show it by being fussy or crying easily. In contrast to babies crying when they are hungry or scared, babies who catch a cold usually cry easily.
The crying may stop for a short time, but then he starts crying again with high marks. This could indicate that he feels there is something unusual about his body. It could be due to bloating, or body aches and also discomfort in the throat or nose.
2. Difficulty drinking milk
Having difficulty breastfeeding directly from the mother’s breast or via a bottle can occur due to several reasons. One of them is a blocked nose, because breastfeeding with a blocked nose will make it difficult to breathe.
To be sure, sometimes children also experience colds or other flu symptoms.
3. Difficulty sleeping is a sign that a baby has a cold
One of the characteristics of an incoming baby that can be recognized is difficulty sleeping. Although this generally occurs when the baby is teething. Apart from that, it could also be due to gas in the stomach or bloating.
Bloating is one of the complaints felt when someone catches a cold. Bloating in babies can be caused by many things, one of which is excessive breast milk consumption in babies who are not yet 2 months old.
Excess breast milk while the digestive enzymes in the intestine are not yet perfect can result in gas in the stomach. Intolerance to breast milk can also cause gas in the baby and make it difficult for him to sleep.
4. The baby cries constantly
A baby who cries for at least 3 hours continuously, for no apparent reason, can be called a colicky baby. This condition can also be a sign that something is wrong with the baby’s condition.
Although there is no exact cause, stomach discomfort such as flatulence and digestive problems are some of the things that often cause babies to cry continuously.
5. Mood changes
If a baby who was previously cheerful turns gloomy or the baby seems to experience changes in mood in a short time, it could be because he feels uncomfortable with the condition of his body. Sometimes babies also become quieter or their movements seem weak.
This change in the baby could be one of the signs that the baby has a cold. If you see the symptoms mentioned, you can do simple things to help calm your baby and make him feel more comfortable.
Several ways to relieve colds in babies
- Moms can massage the baby, this can help the baby feel more comfortable.
- When your baby’s nose looks slimy, Moms can remove mucus from his nose. Moms can use a special tool that is sold freely to suck out baby’s snot.
- If your baby is gassy, Moms can help expel the gas by burping him. To do this, hold the baby on your chest and let Mom’s shoulder support the baby’s chin, then gently pat the baby’s back.
- Moms can also make your baby more comfortable by using a diffuser. If your baby has a blocked nose, the steam diffuser will help relieve his breathing.
If these methods have been carried out but the baby’s signs of a cold are still visible, you should consult a doctor to get the right diagnosis. That is an explanation of the characteristics of a baby catching a cold.
If you have further questions about your baby’s health, please chat directly with our doctor for a consultation. Our doctor partners are ready to provide solutions. Come on, download the Good Doctor application here!