Often ignored, let’s recognize the symptoms of dbd that can be fatal!
Dengue fever is still a scourge for Indonesians. Late treatment will increase the risk of death. What are the symptoms and prevention?
Do you still remember the case of hundreds of students at Madrasah Ibtidaiah Negeri 1 Malang who were indicated to carry diphtheria bacteria in October 2019? The symptoms of diphtheria, which are similar to laryngitis, should be watched out for.
Hemorrhoids are certainly very disruptive to your daily activities. For treatment, you can use herbs for hemorrhoids.
Good Doctor - Hemorrhoid treatment does not always have to be done at a health care center. You can also do your own hemorrhoid treatment at home, as long as you use the right ingredients and still pay attention to hygiene. What is piles? Piles occur when the veins in the lower part of…
Shortness of breath due to asthma is very troublesome. As for the treatment, it turns out that there are many natural asthma remedies that can be easily found at home. What are they? What exactly happens to the body of someone with asthma? A person with asthma has difficulty breathing because their airways…
To live a healthy life, start paying attention to your food intake. Including avoiding hypertension-triggering foods that generally have a high salt content.
The types of headaches you need to know. This is to determine what kind of treatment is appropriate.
Gallstone disease can be prevented by maintaining your diet. Adopt a diet to prevent gallstones.