Moms need to know 5 things about malnourished children
Healthy Lifestyle
Shortness of breath due to asthma is very troublesome. As for the treatment, it turns out that there are many natural asthma remedies that can be easily found at home. What are they? What exactly happens to the body of someone with asthma? A person with asthma has difficulty breathing because their airways…
Prostate disease often attacks men and if left unchecked is quite dangerous. What are the prostate diseases that men are prone to?
Sperm count can be an important factor when undergoing a program to have children.
Red eye disease should not be ignored. Unfortunately, there are many assumptions about red eyes that turn out to be myths.
Good Doctor - COVID-19 has claimed nearly 120 thousand human lives worldwide and infected more than 1.9 million global citizens based on data from Jhons Hopkins University and Medicine (14/4). Does this data make you want to find out what exactly is the coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease that is currently endemic? How much…
Good Doctor - Apart from masks, alcohol-based hand sanitizers are now also the most sought-after health items. The price of both has jumped dramatically. Then is hand sanitizer really effective in killing the coronavirus? Alcohol hand sanitizers have been widely used as disinfectants compared to hand washing with soap and water. Easy availability,…
To live a healthy life, start paying attention to your food intake. Including avoiding hypertension-triggering foods that generally have a high salt content.
The wrong treatment for burns can be dangerous. Here are five burn treatment myths you should know.
The types of headaches you need to know. This is to determine what kind of treatment is appropriate.