Di balik citranya yang ‘membuat malu’, ternyata kentut punya banyak manfaat untuk kesehatan, lho
Ada beberapa tips merawat pasien demensia yang penting diterapkan supaya tak keliru. Apa saja?
Tersambar petir bisa membahayakan karena menyebabkan kematian, lalu seperti apa pertolongan pertama yang harus dilakukan saat tersambar petir?
Explore how telehealth services can reduce time spent away from work due to medical appointments and how that boosts overall productivity.
An in-depth look at how HR teams can use telehealth data analytics to anticipate health trends and challenges within their organizations.
In today's fast-paced business environment, time is undeniably a precious commodity. Both employees and business leaders recognize the value of every moment spent at work. However, traditional medical appointments often result in significant periods…
Discuss how offering telehealth services can make a company more attractive to current and prospective employees. In today's competitive job market, companies are continually seeking innovative ways to attract and retain top talent. One such innovation is the provision of telehealth services, which has emerged as a valuable employee benefit. In this article, we will…
A breakdown of the financial benefits of telehealth services, including reduced health insurance costs and decreased sick leaves.
In today's business landscape, telehealth emerges as a strategic tool for managing employee health and operational efficiency. This article highlights the financial perks of telehealth for businesses, showcasing its role in reducing health insurance costs and sick…
This year was a real shock for the whole world. People’s lives have seriously changed due to countless lockdowns and restrictions.
No doubt financial planning is definitely an important part of any business process.
Ask yourself whether your superior do their best for you to work there