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When a survivor has been declared cured of cancer, of course he needs slightly different health care. This stage also becomes a new challenge after completing cancer treatment, because they can have difficulty getting used to the new routine.
This will be a time of ongoing adjustment, as cancer survivors begin to move on from various treatments. The life transition after cancer treatment turns out to take longer.
Therefore, a Survivor Care Plan is urgently needed by empowering survivors and health service providers to work together to meet the care needs of this transition period.
Plan or the plan will contain cancer records and treatment history, as well as further examinations or tests needed in the future. Additionally, it can also list possible long-term effects of treatment, as well as plans for staying healthy.
Plan that must be in place in treatment forsurvivors ofcancer
When carrying out treatment for cancer survivors, you are required to have notes containing a summary of treatment and plans for future survival care.
Ask for recommendations to hospitals that offer the type of follow-up or life-sustaining care as needed. The following is the complete content of the note from Survivor Care Plan:
1. Summary of treatments forsurvivor cancer
This care summary includes diagnostic and treatment information, such as:
- Type of cancer, severity (stage, grade, or risk group), date of diagnosis, and pathology report.
- Type of treatment received, including the names and doses of all medications, as well as the total amount and location of radiation therapy received.
- Maintenance date.
- Major reports and scans, such as CT scans and MRIs.
- Side effects or complications experienced during treatment.
- Supportive care received or called palliative care such as counseling and physical therapy.
- Identify the number and title of the clinical trial, especially for survivors who are currently in a clinical trial.
- Names and contact information of people on the care team to support the survivor’s health.
2. Care survivorship plan
A survival care plan or survivorship, also known as a follow-up care plan, is developed for each survivor. This survivorship treatment will be based on the type of cancer as well as the treatment received.
For example, some people may need return visits every month for the first year after they finish treatment. But there are also some who may not need to come back that often.
Here are some checks needed for survival care, such as:
- Ways to manage side effects after cancer treatment.
- Schedule screenings and tests as needed to check for the return of cancer and other conditions.
- Possible late and long-term effects of treatment and signs and symptoms.
- Potential effects on family, school, and work relationships.
- Referrals for family and employment support.
- Education, insurance, employment and financial problems.
- Referrals for financial and legal assistance.
- Recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, such as nutrition and physical activity.
- Genetic counseling and testing.
- Referral to specialists as needed for further care.
- Cancer-related resources.
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