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Health Trinity, an important factor supporting employee health to improve company performance

The Global Wellbeing Survey 2022—2023 by global business consultancy Aon in collaboration with multinational market research company Ipsos found a link between employee well-being and a sustainable work life. This relationship can affect company performance. The higher the level of welfare that the company provides to employees, the better the sustainable working life of employees in a company, employees will be able to adapt quickly to carry out their responsibilities and have a sense of belonging to the company. Improving factors that improve employee well-being can increase company performance by 11%—55%. In a survey conducted on 1,100 companies in 46 countries, including Indonesia, 90% of companies agreed that investing in health was the right strategy to improve employee welfare.

Good Doctor Technology (Good Doctor) realizes that maintaining employee health is closely related to increasing productivity rates in the workplace. The Health Trinity concept offered by Good Doctor can help companies maintain employee performance as one of the determining factors for company success. In one of the health education classes conducted by Good Doctor for its corporate partners, the Medical Manager of PT Good Doctor Technology, dr. Ega Bonar Bastari, explained the Health Trinity concept to maintain employee performance. “Health Trinity consists of proper diet, exercise and sleep. “By making Health Trinity a lifestyle, the body will be healthy and fit, thus enabling employees to always be productive in work and everyday life.”

Apart from that, an unhealthy lifestyle is one of the factors causing increased health costs. The 2023 Global Medical Trends Survey by Willis Towers Watson (WTW) shows that health costs in 2023 in Asia Pacific will increase by 10.2% and underlines that one of the causes of increasing health costs is poor health habits. More than half of respondents (52%) cited bad habits of insurance customers as the main factor influencing medical costs, up 35% from the previous year.

Doctor Ega explained, “Implementing a correct eating pattern or diet starts with knowing our daily calorie needs. For men, 2,500 calories and for women, 2,000 calories. To make it easier, every time we eat, ½ plate contains vegetables and fruit, ¼ plate contains protein, and ¼ plate contains carbohydrates. We also have to pay attention to the choice of food and drink by considering the intake of fat and sugar that enters our body. Don’t think that all fat is harmful to the body. One of the benefits of fat is that it provides energy and the type of fat we need is good fat (unsaturated fat) such as that contained in avocados and nuts. Just to consume avocado, don’t add sweetened condensed milk which has a high sugar content. Likewise with nuts, don’t fry them because all types of cooking oil include bad fats (saturated fat), except virgin oil. Also limit your daily sugar consumption because sugar can cause addiction. When we consume sugar, the tongue will send signals to the brain to release dopamine which makes us feel good and want to do it again. This addiction makes us continue to consume sugar so that it exceeds the daily sugar requirement of 5-9 teaspoons. Excessive sugar consumption will cause blood sugar to increase.”

The body must not only be healthy, but also fit. Employees who are fit will be able to carry out their duties optimally for a long time because they have strong stamina. Body fitness is obtained by exercising. Doctor Ega recommends exercises to increase flexibility and muscle strength as well as aerobic exercise. “Flexibility exercises are done for 10-20 seconds for each movement, 2-3 days per week. Muscle strength training is done 45 minutes per day, 2-3 days per week. “Aerobic exercise for heart and blood vessel health is done 30 minutes per day, 3-5 days per week.”

Don’t think of sleeping as an unproductive activity any more. Like diet and exercise, sleep is also very beneficial for health if done in the right portions. “Each age group, from birth to old age, requires different sleep times. Age 0—3 months (14—17 hours), 4—11 months (12—15 hours), 3—5 years (10—13 hours), 6—13 years (9—11 hours), 14—18 years ( 8—10 hours), 25—45 years (7—9 hours), 45—65 years (7—9 hours), 70—90 (7—9 hours). We must also reach the stage of deep sleep (very deep sleep) which is characterized by the heart and breathing slowing down and the muscles being more relaxed. At this stage the brain produces Delta waves which trigger the body to repair itself.”

This health education class on Health Trinity is one of the programs in Population Health Management (PHM) that Good Doctor offers to its corporate partners. The PHM offered by Good Doctor aims to improve employee health both physically and mentally so that employee performance increases which ultimately supports company performance and retains the best talent. Apart from health education classes, Good Doctor offers many other programs to improve employee health both physically and mentally, such as medical check-ups, mental health programs, weight loss, prevention of diabetes and other chronic diseases caused by unhealthy lifestyles and various programs. other health care tailored to the needs of partner companies.

The PHM offered by Good Doctor provides a win-win solution for companies and employees. Companies benefit from healthy and productive employees. At the same time, employees also benefit from comfortable and easy access to health services. When they feel symptoms, employees can immediately carry out a teleconsultation to find out their true health condition from a trusted doctor. Or before feeling symptoms, if you are confused about where to start in implementing Health Trinity as a lifestyle, you can consult via the Good Doctor application which provides Clinical Nutrition Clinics, Healthy Body Clinics and Sports Medicine Clinics with certified general practitioners and specialists. In this way, not only will the costs incurred be cheaper, employee health problems can also be handled properly.



Aon. (2023). Global Wellbeing Survey Report 2022-2023.

Willis Towers Watson (WTW). (2022). 2023 Global Medical Trends Survey Report.