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Coronavirus or COVID-19 has been terrorizing the world population since early 2020. Unfortunately, until now health experts in several countries have not found vaccines and drugs that can make patients recover from COVID-19.
However, although there is no cure, various countries have reported tens of thousands of COVID-19 patients who were finally declared cured, even their health condition returned to its prime after some time.
For example, China recently stated that the recovery rate of Coronavirus patients in the country continues to increase, even some emergency health facilities built specifically to handle COVID-19 patients have begun to close.
How can patients recover from COVID-19 even though a cure has not yet been found?
Not all coronavirus patients require intensive hospitalization. If you are diagnosed positive for COVID-19, there are several things you can do according to WHO:
- Get enough rest and sleep.
- Keep your body warm with a blanket or jacket. Turn off the air conditioner if you are cold.
- Consume plenty of fluids ranging from water, tea, to soupy foods.
- Stay at home and consult a doctor over the phone or a consultation app like Grab Health, to avoid exposing others to the virus. Your doctor can help prescribe medication to treat your fever and relieve your cough, as well as determine if you need intensive care at the hospital.
- Most importantly, isolate yourself from other people including family at home, so as not to transmit the virus.
Intensive medical care is important for severe patients
Although the Coronavirus sounds malignant, reports from several countries state that many positive patients of this virus have successfully recovered after undergoing intensive treatment.
Local Chinese media reports some time ago also stated that Coronavirus positive patients aged 98 years and 55 years tested negative or recovered from COVID-19 after going through an intensive care process.
WHO itself continues to monitor the recovery process of Coronavirus patients in various countries. In the end, they stated that patients who recovered were those who immediately received intensive care from medical experts.
So why do so many patients die from Coronavirus?
Although no cure has been found, medical teams from various countries continue to collect data, conduct research and report on various clinical trials.
They found the fact that patients with Coronavirus cases who died were not caused by the virus but because of other diseases that had been suffered from the beginning. This occurs in elderly patients.
Health agencies such as the World Health Organizations (WHO) note that elderly patients are more susceptible to the virus and have a higher risk of death than children or productive age people who are in good health.
Data from WHO found that elderly people with inherited diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease contribute to the cause of death of Coronavirus patients.
These vulnerable groups of people have immune systems that are not as good as normal people in general, so this virus is easier to enter the body and cause more severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing to respiratory failure.
The China National Health Commission stated that a team of medical experts in the country is carrying out intensive treatment related to congenital diseases suffered by its patients.
The goal is to prevent complications from occurring or developing at a fast pace to a critical phase that makes the health condition of Coronavirus patients worsen.
What about the kids?
The WHO data report states that only 2.4 percent of Coronavirus cases in China occur in children, and only 0.2 percent are in critical condition. However, the WHO claims that so far there have been no reports of deaths in Coronavirus cases in children.
Another report states that Coronavirus cases in China at the age of 10 to 39 years have a mortality risk of only 0.2 percent. In fact, the risk of death for people aged 80 years reaches 21.9 percent.
Antibiotics cannot cure Coronavirus
WHO through its official website states that no antibiotics are effective in preventing or treating Coronavirus. The reason is that antibiotics work against bacteria, not viruses.
They admit there are some modern and traditional medicines that can relieve the symptoms of Coronavirus but there is no medicine that can actually cure it.
Fortunately, several countries are rumored to be in the process of researching and developing a vaccine for this virus but it is predicted to take almost a year.
WHO itself does not recommend that this virus be treated alone with just any medicine. People who feel the symptoms to immediately go to a doctor or medical expert.
How can we avoid contracting Coronavirus?
What can be done to avoid Coronavirus as long as a vaccine or cure has not been found?
The public is encouraged to maintain health by implementing clean and healthy living behaviors such as the following:
- Always wash your hands properly with soap after handling something especially in public places. WHO and other health organizations recommend washing hands for 20 seconds.
- Wash objects that are frequently used or touched. For example, smartphones include objects that are often held and in contact with the face.
- Considering that Coronavirus can be transmitted through contact and fluids from coughing or sneezing, it is recommended that those traveling wear a mask whether they are sick or healthy. Because no one knows if someone has Coronavirus symptoms.
- Practice social distancing and avoid crowds or going to public places if you do not have an urgent need, to help reduce the spread of this virus.
- Seniors can arrange an appointment with a doctor to make a more precise schedule for treatment of congenital diseases. Don’t forget to ask for a larger stock of medicines so that you can reduce traveling to public places or hospitals that have the potential to contract other diseases or Coronavirus.
During the Corona emergency, it is important to always follow the advice of the government and health experts. It should be underlined that COVID-19 is a self-limiting disease, meaning that our bodies can heal themselves.
The stronger we prepare our bodies, the stronger our immune system will be in fighting the Coronavirus. Practice a clean and healthy lifestyle anytime and anywhere even though this pandemic is over later.
There is nothing better than investing in our health.
Monitor the development of the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Indonesia through the official website of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.
Also Read: Recognize the Symptoms of COVID-19 Before It’s Too Late