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Red eye is an eye disease that we often encounter. Most people think of red eye as a disease that is scary, highly contagious, fatal, and can cause blindness directly.
There is an assumption that this disease is caused by rupture of eye blood vessels that cannot be cured and many other myths that are actually wrong and not in accordance with existing medical science.
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Causes of red eyes, excessive gadget use contributes
This disease can actually be caused by bacteria, viruses, and computer radiation (computer vision syndrome). That is a set of symptoms as reported by the Indonesian Ministry of Health.
Currently, the incidence rate is increasing as people’s lifestyles become more gadget dependent. Using gadgets (cellphones) for too long results in the emission of cellphone radiation to the eyes increasing so that the eyes become reddened due to irritation.
The habit of rubbing your eyes when it itches with unwashed hands causes bacteria on your hands to transfer to your eyes, resulting in an eye infection (conjunctivitis).
Myths to watch out for
Here are 5 myths about this disease that you should be aware of.
1. It is normal to rub your eyes when they are itchy
Rubbing or rubbing your eyes with unwashed hands can potentially lead to bacterial conjunctivitis. Therefore, this myth is false and you should not rub your eyes with unclean hands.
2. Must be due to bacteria
Not only because of bacteria, this disease can be caused by other things such as exposure to computer radiation, cell phones for a long time.
3. Red eye (conjunctivitis) is a disease in young children
Conjunctivitis can affect all ages as it is caused by bacteria or viruses.
4. Red eye must be just a minor illness
This disease can also occur due to glaucoma (increased eyeball pressure) which presses on the nerves of the eye, if not treated properly it will become blindness. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting and headache.
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5. Flushing your eyes with water can cure red eyes
Irritated eyes are caused by various things such as bacteria or viruses. If you are flushing your eyes with plain water, this is not appropriate as the water that should be used for eye drops is sterile water.
Whereas ordinary water is not all sterile so it can make it redder because of the bacteria in the water.
So don’t easily believe in information about red eyes that turns out to be a myth. Instead, maintain the health and cleanliness of the eye area and practice healthy daily habits.
More importantly, if you experience eye-related complaints, you should immediately consult a health professional and not take the risk of applying things that have not been proven to be effective.
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