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Hearing the word brain cancer, you might be horrified to think about it, this disease does have an impact on death, but early treatment is the key to a successful cure.
Research conducted by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) United States states that child deaths from brain cancer have increased, from 516 children in 1999 to 534 in 2014.
Recognize what brain cancer is and how it spreads
Brain cancer is an abnormal growth of brain cells that has spread or expanded. The spread of brain cancer can be divided into two.
– Primer
The spread starts from abnormally growing brain cells and then spreads to other organs.
– Secondary
The spread starts from other organ cells that grow abnormally and spreads to the brain.
However, both primary and secondary are equally deadly.
How to recognize the symptoms of brain cancer?
Early treatment of brain cancer is the key to a successful cure. Therefore, recognizing the symptoms of cancer early is important to understand.
Then what are the symptoms that appear until someone is suspected of having brain cancer? Check out the following explanation.
1. Headache
Headache is a common symptom felt by someone suffering from brain cancer. Generally, the head pain experienced is getting worse over time. If there is paralysis in the limbs and accompanied by headache, it is suspicious that someone has brain cancer, although a complete medical examination is needed to confirm it.
2. Balance disorder
If a person previously had no problems walking but suddenly has difficulty standing or walking and falls easily for no apparent reason, it is suspicious that the person may have brain cancer.
Balance disorders are caused by the disruption of the balance center in the brain due to the abnormal distribution of brain cells.
3. Speech Disorder
The abnormal spread of brain cells will interfere with the brain function that regulates a person to speak. This complaint also appears gradually and gets worse over time. A person can have difficulty speaking well and even difficult to understand the contents of other people’s conversations.
4. Memory impairment
People with brain cancer will experience problems remembering things even though they were previously someone who was classified as having a sharp memory. Damage to the memory-regulating part of the brain is the reason why this happens.
5. Visual impairment
Vision deteriorates over time, either in one eye or both. Double vision may also occur, which is difficult to eliminate depending on the location of the part of the brain that has been damaged by the cancer cells.
This disorder cannot be corrected by using glasses, if the cancer gets worse, blindness will occur.
6. Difficulty swallowing food
This disorder arises due to damage to the brain stem so that gradually people with brain cancer have difficulty swallowing food.
7. Paralysis
Damage to the part of the brain that regulates motor and sensory functions leads to paralysis. There is no sense of heat, cold, touch and difficulty moving the limbs. The symptoms of paralysis are gradual and the speed depends on the amount and degree of damage caused by abnormal brain cells.
Early treatment is the key to a successful cure
The successful treatment of someone with brain cancer depends on several things, one of which is early treatment. Conversely, the longer the treatment is given, the worse the success rate in treatment or one’s ability to survive with brain cancer.
Therefore, if you or maybe someone you know experiences the symptoms described above, immediately consult a doctor and tell all the complaints you experience. The doctor will certainly conduct further and more in-depth examinations.
But it is also important that you do not immediately think that if you have these symptoms, you must have brain cancer. Remember, a diagnosis of brain cancer can only be made by a doctor with complex, detailed and systematic examination procedures.
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