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MPASI Kaya Protein Hewani Bantu Cegah Stunting, Ini Pilihan Resepnya Moms

Makanan pendamping ASI (MPASI) berperan penting dalam mengoptimalkan tumbuh kembang anak di 1000 hari pertama kehidupannya (HPK), salah satunya untuk mencegah stunting. Karenanya, orangtua harus mengupayakan pemberian MPASI berkualitas, yakni dengan memastikan protein hewani dalam MPASI terpenuhi. Apa saja ragam pilihan protein hewani yang bisa dimasukkan dalam menu MPASI yang berkualitas? Teruskan membaca artikel ini…

MPASI Kaya Protein Hewani Bantu Cegah Stunting, Ini Pilihan Resepnya Moms

Makanan pendamping ASI (MPASI) berperan penting dalam mengoptimalkan tumbuh kembang anak di 1000 hari pertama kehidupannya (HPK), salah satunya untuk mencegah stunting. Karenanya, orangtua harus mengupayakan pemberian MPASI berkualitas, yakni dengan memastikan protein hewani dalam MPASI terpenuhi. Apa saja ragam pilihan protein hewani yang bisa dimasukkan dalam menu MPASI yang berkualitas? Teruskan membaca artikel ini…

LGI Launches Latest Digital Innovation for Health Insurance Customers: LGI EAP and OP365

Tangerang, [Tanggal Rilis] – LGI (Lippo General Insurance) kembali melakukan inovasi pada layanan asuransi kesehatan miliknya dengan menambahkan fitur layanan digital baru melalui aplikasi eBenefit Health. Direktur LGI, Gilbert Naibaho, menyatakan bahwa ini salah satu wujud komitmen LGI untuk terus melakukan inovasi digital demi meningkatkan Customer Experience yang memberikan nilai tambah bagi pelanggan. Ekosistem digital…

Good Doctor Technology Indonesia received a government award for its contribution in dealing with COVID-19

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Good Doctor Technology Indonesia (Good Doctor) has made various comprehensive efforts to support the government in controlling this pandemic. The government (Ministry of Health) officially appointed Good Doctor to provide free teleconsultation and self-isolation (isoman) services to all Indonesians infected with COVID-19 from 4 July 2021 until now.…

Health Trinity, an important factor supporting employee health to improve company performance

The Global Wellbeing Survey 2022—2023 by global business consultancy Aon in collaboration with multinational market research company Ipsos found a link between employee well-being and a sustainable work life. This relationship can affect company performance. The higher the level of welfare that the company provides to employees, the better the sustainable working life of employees…

Good Doctor and Lazada Logistics Collaborate to Improve the Welfare of Lazada Logistics Employees Through Health Check Services

With this collaboration, Lazada Logistics employees in Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, Cirebon and Cilegon will receive health examination services from Good Doctor Technology Indonesia (Good Doctor). This collaboration shows Lazada Logistics' continued trust in Good Doctor programs to improve the welfare and health of Lazada Logistics employees. Jakarta, 13 June 2023 – Employee health is a…

Good Doctor and Jakarta Escape celebrate National Children’s Day by organizing a parenting seminar and various exciting activities to maintain family health

On National Children's Day, July 23, 2023, Good Doctor Technology Indonesia (Good Doctor) in collaboration with Jakarta Escape Citypark (Jakarta Escape) organized a parenting seminar on healthy living patterns for optimal growth and development of children, aiming to educate and enhance public health knowledge. At Jakarta Escape, besides the seminar, parents and children can engage…