Newborn baby skin is sensitive, thin and fragile. In research published in the journal An Bras Dermatol in 2011, it was stated that the baby’s skin will gradually undergo an adaptation process in a very different external environment when it is still in the mother’s womb. During this adaptation period special care is needed.
When a survivor has been declared cured of cancer, of course he needs slightly different health care.
To get nutritious breast milk (mother’s milk), Moms need to implement a balanced nutritional consumption pattern that meets the nutritional needs for Moms herself and for the growth and development of the baby.
Apart from eating and drinking, one of the things that can break the Ramadan fast is semen loss during the day.
Swollen feet due to diabetes is one disease that is triggered by high blood sugar levels.
Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the blood or bone marrow. It can’t only happen to adults.
Moms, it turns out that what you consume can affect the quality of breast milk and can cause problems such as diarrhea in babies, you know.
You need to know that the benefits of green beans are not only good for preventing cancer.
Kontraksi atau pecahnya ketuban adalah dua tanda-tanda Moms akan melahirkan.
Every May 17 is celebrated as World Hypertension Day.