Hearing the word brain cancer, you might be horrified to think about it, this disease does have an impact on death, but early treatment is the key to a successful cure. Research conducted by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) United States states that child deaths from brain cancer have increased, from 516 children in…
Good Doctor - Hemorrhoid treatment does not always have to be done at a health care center. You can also do your own hemorrhoid treatment at home, as long as you use the right ingredients and still pay attention to hygiene. What is piles? Piles occur when the veins in the lower part of…
Good Doctor - More than 82 countries have been infected with Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19. Various efforts have been made by local governments to prevent the spread of viral infections in their regions. One of them is by urging or even prohibiting its citizens from traveling abroad, especially countries that have the largest…
Food poisoning is one of the most common health problems experienced by children. If this happens to your baby, don't panic just yet! Most patients with food poisoning can return to their normal activities in a matter of weeks without any residual symptoms. However, in some severe cases a person may have to be…
Moms, it turns out that what you consume can affect the quality of breast milk and can cause problems such as diarrhea in babies, you know.
You need to know that the benefits of green beans are not only good for preventing cancer.
Moms need to know 5 things about malnourished children
Shortness of breath due to asthma is very troublesome. As for the treatment, it turns out that there are many natural asthma remedies that can be easily found at home. What are they? What exactly happens to the body of someone with asthma? A person with asthma has difficulty breathing because their airways…
Red eye disease should not be ignored. Unfortunately, there are many assumptions about red eyes that turn out to be myths.
Good Doctor - COVID-19 has claimed nearly 120 thousand human lives worldwide and infected more than 1.9 million global citizens based on data from Jhons Hopkins University and Medicine (14/4). Does this data make you want to find out what exactly is the coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease that is currently endemic? How much…