The use of digital health technology has proven effective in the COVID-19 self-isolation program. In the webinar “The Trends in Health Insurance Programs: Self-isolation and Telemedicine Services”, dr. Ega Bonar Bastari, Medical Manager of Good Doctor Technology Indonesia said, "At the end of June to early July 2021 there was an extraordinary increase in COVID-19…
Budaya tempat kerja tradisional telah mengalami perubahan besar akibat pandemi COVID-19 dan telah mempercepat penggunaan teknologi digital untuk bekerja dari jarak jauh sambil tetap terhubung dengan rekan kerja. Banyak divisi sumber daya manusia (SDM) juga harus menyesuaikan dan mengadaptasi kebijakan tempat kerja mereka agar sesuai dengan pengaturan kerja di masa depan. Di satu sisi, mereka…
Traditional workplace culture has undergone major changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic and has accelerated the use of digital technology to work remotely while staying connected to colleagues. Many human resources (HR) divisions have also had to adjust and adapt their workplace policies to suit the future of work arrangements. On one hand, they must…
In commemoration of National Health Day, Good Doctor acknowledges the importance of increasing the access of digital healthcare services to meet the growing health needs of Indonesians. - Indonesia’s National Health Day marks an important milestone in realizing the digital transformation of the healthcare sector, which is the foundation of the partnership between Good Doctor…
Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Kesehatan Nasional, Good Doctor menyadari pentingnya peningkatan akses layanan kesehatan digital untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia yang terus meningkat. - Hari Kesehatan Nasional menandai momentum penting dalam upaya mewujudkan transformasi digital sektor kesehatan yang menjadi fondasi kemitraan antara Good Doctor dan BPJS Kesehatan. - Pengguna aplikasi Good Doctor akan diberikan…
The Covid-19 pandemic plays a crucial role in driving the healthcare transformation through digitalization. Innovative digital solutions in healthcare will become a new necessity. The innovation of digitizing healthcare in the pandemic era is the main topic of discussion in the first day of Roche Fair, which will take place online on 12-13 November 2021.…
Traditional workplace culture has undergone major changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic and has accelerated the use of digital technology to work remotely while staying connected to colleagues. Many human resources (HR) divisions have also had to adjust and adapt their workplace policies to suit the future of work arrangements. On one hand, they must…
The state of an employee’s health is very important for all companies because healthy employees can work optimally in their appointed roles and support a more productive workforce. As more organisations continue to implement Work From Home (WFH) arrangements to curb the spread of COVID-19 at the workplace, more employees are struggling to care for…
Kondisi kesehatan karyawan sangat penting bagi semua perusahaan karena karyawan yang sehat dapat bekerja secara optimal sesuai dengan perannya dan mendukung tenaga kerja yang lebih produktif. Karena semakin banyak organisasi yang terus menerapkan Bekerja dari Rumah (WFH) untuk menekan penyebaran COVID-19 di tempat kerja, semakin banyak karyawan yang berjuang untuk menjaga kesehatan fisik dan mental…
Dampak pandemi ini diproyeksikan meningkat dengan data yang menunjukkan angka kematian anak di Indonesia akibat COVID-19 tertinggi di dunia. Data itu berdasarkan data Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (IDAI) yang menunjukkan angka kematiannya mencapai 3—5%. Gejala yang paling umum pada anak-anak adalah batuk atau demam. Dilansir dari Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), tinjauan sistematis…