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Good Doctor and LSPR Invites Public to a Finale Health Talk about Healthy Dieting during Eid-al-fitr in Support of Health Literacy Maintenance

Jakarta, 22 April 2022 - Young people in Indonesia are increasingly realizing the importance of understanding health conditions in order to proactively manage their overall health and adopt a preventative mindset to avoid falling seriously ill. Enabled by smart digital health technologies such as the presence of telemedicine which was widely adopted during the COVID-19…

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Watsons Indonesia Collaborates with Good Doctor Technology Indonesia to Increase Access of Health and Beauty Products with Fast Delivery Service

Watsons organises morning workout activities and champions hot topics in healthcare by inviting Good Doctor experts to a talk show about being healthy and active living during Ramadan. With Good Doctor Technology Indonesia, Watsons seeks to continue expanding their distribution channels through offline to online (O2O) platforms in a bid to meet the customers’ needs…

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Watsons Indonesia Berkolaborasi dengan Good Doctor Technology Indonesia untuk Meningkatkan Akses Produk Kesehatan dan Kecantikan dengan Layanan Pengiriman yang Cepat

Watsons menyelenggarakan kegiatan olahraga pagi dan membahas topik hangat dalam dunia kesehatan dengan mengundang para ahli Good Doctor dalam acara talkshow tentang hidup sehat dan aktif selama Bulan Ramadhan. Bersama Good Doctor Technology Indonesia, Watsons berupaya untuk terus memperluas distribusi mereka melalui platform offline to online (O2O) dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan dengan cara yang…

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AXA Financial Indonesia and Good Doctor Technology Indonesia Launch Asuransi AXA Good Health, the First Comprehensive Outpatient Solution in Indonesia with Affordable Premiums

AXA Financial Indonesia, strengthens their existing strategic partnership with Good Doctor Technology Indonesia, to co-design an easy-to-use service which supports users in accessing cost-effective health management solutions depending on their needs Asuransi AXA Good Health Insurance provides a choice of three insurance plans, Outpatient, Inpatient and a combination of Outpatient and Inpatient AXA Financial Indonesia…

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AXA Financial Indonesia dan Good Doctor Technology Indonesia Luncurkan Asuransi AXA Good Health, Solusi Rawat Jalan Menyeluruh Pertama di Indonesia dengan Premi Terjangkau

AXA Financial Indonesia memperkuat kemitraan strategis dengan Good Doctor Technology Indonesia, untuk merancang bersama layanan yang mudah digunakan oleh nasabah dalam mengakses solusi manajemen kesehatan yang terjangkau sesuai kebutuhan mereka. Asuransi AXA Good Health memberikan pilihan 3 plan asuransi kesehatan yaitu Rawat Jalan, Rawat Inap dan kombinasi Rawat Jalan dan Rawat Inap. AXA Financial Indonesia…

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Marie Joseph School dan Good Doctor Technology Indonesia Bekerja Sama Melindungi Kesehatan Generasi Masa Depan Indonesia

Good Doctor Technology Indonesia (GDTI) meluncurkan layanan kesehatan digitalnya kepada para siswa di Marie Joseph School untuk menyediakan sumber informasi dan layanan kesehatan yang kredibel bagi anak muda Indonesia. Marie Joseph School mengenali bahwa anak muda Indonesia memerlukan proteksi kesehatan lanjutan selama pandemi dan kedepannya untuk menjaga keamanan mereka di lingkungan pembelajaran. JAKARTA, 25 March…

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